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RoboRun is an endless runner where the player needs to pickup trash and get as high score as possible. The player plays a robot named E.L.I.E and is one of the last survivors on earth that needs to restore the world through the science of energy efficiency.
Itch Link: Roborun by TeamFiveSoda
Addressable Pickups/Powerups
Gameplay Clarity

UI & Gameloop
I created most of the UI in the game, from the score text to the main menu UI and progress bars. The faces in the corner change based on in-game events. Our game features a UI manager that stores all on-screen UI elements and ensures that the score and robot face update when necessary.
I was also responsible for implementing the game loop, including the scoring system and player death mechanics—such as losing all battery life—and determining how the game should behave upon restarting.
Additionally, I worked on some of the animation programming, including the intro and the running robot.

Gameplay Clarity Video

Gameplay Clarity
I made several gameplay improvements to ensure that the player always understands what is happening while playing. For example, the battery on the robot's head visually indicates its damage level, allowing the player to see when they are close to dying.
Another example is the robot changing its material after taking damage or blinking when god mode is about to end, providing clear visual feedback to the player.

Collision, Pickups and Powerups
The collision system for obstacles in RoboRun is built using two colliders in Unity. This was necessary because the game needed to support the player running on top of most objects. Due to time constraints and limited knowledge, we relied on Unity’s built-in collision system instead of creating our own. This allowed all programmers to focus on other critical areas while our technical designer, Oscar Rosin, could create and fine-tune obstacles, ensuring they were balanced and behaved as intended.
Each object has both a regular collider and a trigger collider—one for allowing the player to run on top of the object and another for detecting damage and making the player pass through it.
The pickups were developed using a single base class, ensuring consistent collision functionality and providing a solid foundation for future expansions. This approach simplified the implementation of new pickup variants, allowing designers to create their own even before the code was fully completed.
All pickups use Unity’s Addressable Asset feature, which improves game performance when spawning objects.
First Playable Prototype

Example of Early Collision
Development Team

Team Five Soda
Here are all the people who brought this project to life. It was our first game project at FutureGames, and it’s something we will remember for the rest of our lives.
Our names are also featured as graffiti on the obstacles in RoboRun. It was a pleasure working with such amazing people, and I wish them all the best.

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